You are entering Nelong Valley 

in the seventeenth 100 years, the Pathans of Peshawar, alongside occupants, arranged the world's most perilous way by cutting the precarious slopes of the Himalayas for the development of towns Nelang, Jadung and Bhot region in the Jad Ganga valley of Uttarkashi area at a height of 11 thousand feet above ocean level. Whose motivation was roused by Seth Dhaniram ji, an inhabitant of town Nelong around then. This 140 m long wooden flight of stairs (Gartangali) has been an observer to the Indo-Tibetan exchange. As indicated by Mr. Narayan Negi and head Mrs. Sarita Rawat, occupant of Nelang/Bagori, before 1962, Indo-Tibetan dealers and inhabitants of town Jadung, Nelang used to go through this course by stacking products on yaks, horse-donkeys and sheep. The military additionally involved this course for a very long time after the Indo-China war. Yet, due to non-use and upkeep of Gartangali throughout the previous 40 years, its presence was evaporating.

The Nelong valley of Uttarkashi area is nearby the China line. India's Sumla, Mandi, Nila Pani, Tripani, PDA and Jadung are the keep going posts on the boundary. Due to being decisively delicate, this region has been announced as Internal Line Region. There is a severe vigil by the military constantly and there is a restriction on doing without consent. Be that as it may, sometime in the past the Nelong valley used to be brimming with Indo-Tibetan dealers. Dorji (the vendors of Tibet) used to arrive at Uttarkashi by means of Gartangali of Sumla, Mandi, Nelong with fleece, calfskin garments and salt. Then there used to be a haat in Uttarkashi. For that reason Uttarkashi is additionally called as Badahat (huge market). In the wake of selling the products, Dorji used to get back from here with things like oil, flavors, beats, jaggery, tobacco and so forth.

The much discussed Nelong Valley trek  was at long last opened for the traveler in 2015 and from that point forward it has become one of the problem areas for the experience buffs. It looks similar to Ladakh and includes high pinnacles having a comparative environment and scene to that of Lahaul, Spiti Valley, and Ladakh.

More Information Nelong Valley Package  and Gartang Gali  for Permission Call us  7819980155 or 08395040202